About Us

Welcome To susenergy.ltd

Sustainable Energy is a fixed income debt manager and placement agent that specialises in clean infrastructure and social housing sectors worldwide found in the year 2013. We have established relationships with banks, pension funds and insurance companies that have a desire to match long term inflation linked liabilities with investments of a similar duration and basis. In addition, we design innovative financing structures that help access institutional investors by allocating risks to counterparties that are best placed to mitigate them. Our knowledge of accessing, managing and developing renewable energy and social housing projects complements this.

We will work with investors and investments that take natural capital into consideration when assessing the long-term viability of an opportunity and will apply the highest independent verification standards to conform this viewpoint.

Sustainable Energy Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
We’re on a journey to becoming a lower carbon, wholly green energy supplier. So, we only offer green electricity tariffs and lower carbon gas.

2024 susenergy.ltd All rights reserved.